Downtown Taxi

Shem Creek restaurants and Downtown Charleston are about 20 minutes away by boat. We are happy to offer round trip and one-way transportation by boat to and from the CFL.


Shem Creek

Round Trip

Shem Creek is full of Bottlenose Dolphins, shrimp boats, and restaurants.

Hop in the boat for a Shem creek happy hour trip. We will leave the house around 4:30 and hit Waters Edge restaurant for one of the best happy hours in the Charleston area. Half price appetizers and cheap drinks abound. Ride home with sober DD captain and enjoy views of Ft Sumter, Sullivans Island, and Downtown Charleston.

All of our trips are customizable so if you have an idea don’t hesitate to ask.



One Way

Want to take in the sights and delicious food downtown and catch a ride home by boat? Not a problem. Catch a cab from the Isle of Palms Marina or from the airport and get picked up by boat after you have had your fill roaming downtown Charleston. Have our captain pick you up by boat and relax on your boat ride to the house.